Save Your Failing Business With These 8 Proven Steps Toward Recovery & Profit

Save Your Failing Business With These 8 Proven Steps Toward Recovery & Profit

Failure Is Not the End (But Avoid It if You Can!)

It's true that a failed business does not mean the end of the world or the end of your career. In every failure, there are lessons to be learned. Even business superstar Mark Cuban has had several ultra-high-profile failures over the years, and it's plain to see that he's doing just fine. However, one would also not be remiss in saying that failure is best avoided if possible.

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Paraic Bergin has spent his career helping business owners improve their outcomes, and he knows failure better than anyone—he sees it all the time! However, he has also seen hundreds of businesses pull themselves up out of a bad situation, even in extremely dire circumstances.

Now, he has compiled his 8-step action plan that any business, including yours, can use to recover from imminent failure. The best part? His initial advice is free!

Why Do Businesses Fail?

By providing these resources, Paraic hopes to offer some relief to the approximately 500,000 businesses that are facing failure in 2025. Twenty-one percent of all new businesses fail within their first year of operation, often due to foundational deficiencies, lack of funding, lack of publicity, or some combination of these factors.

As such, the guide begins by demonstrating how to recognize the early signs of failure, namely by conducting what they call a SWOT analysis. SWOT, which stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, offers you a chance to establish a clear path forward in the near term, setting a healthy trajectory for long-term success.

Resources Are Capital!

From there, he encourages businesses to conduct a full audit of resource usage to identify waste, which is often a major contributor to business failure. A study by Armand Feigenbaum found that businesses that end up failing often waste up to 30% of their resources through redundancy, poor communication, and unnecessary spending. Trimming these factors may go a long way, Paraic explains, in paving the way toward recovery.

Change with the Times

Another key piece of advice Paraic presents in the guide is to embrace new technologies and develop an adaptive strategy for future operations. Adopting a robust CRM system, they explain, can help organize sales operations and create waste-free, fully optimized workflows.

Invest in Leadership

The guide’s authors offer this additional tip: “Investing in leadership and team development can enhance your organization’s capabilities and drive performance improvements. Focus on empowering your leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to guide your business effectively. Provide training opportunities and encourage continuous learning to keep your team engaged and motivated.”

About Paraic Bergin

Paraic Bergin is a business strategist with over 30 years of experience helping businesses of all sizes regain control of their futures and establish a path toward success. Trained with KPMG, he is a Chartered Certified Accountant with an M.Sc. in Operations Management. He encourages those interested in learning more about his 8-step recovery guide to contact him directly at the link below.

Get started with your recovery at

Paraic Bergin Business Development
City: Mullingar
Address: Castle Street


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