Fast ERTC Refund Claim 2024: Application Deadlines & Maximum Rebates Explained

Fast ERTC Refund Claim 2024: Application Deadlines & Maximum Rebates Explained

If you haven't claimed your ERTC rebates for 2021 yet - what are you waiting for?

It's been years already, and it's so easy. You can complete your entire claim, risk-free, without even doing any math, at - and they'll guarantee you the maximum allowable rebate.

If there's an easier way to get hundreds of thousands of dollars from the government, with no risk and no effort - well, I think that's called being a politician, and we don't want to do that.

The good news is, it's much easier to complete your application than to run for office, and unlike being a politician, there's no shame attached to ERTC rebates.

There is one important thing you really need to know though... you're running out of time.

Deadlines & Date Changes.

Тhe deadline for claiming Employee Retention Tax Credit or ERTC rebates for wages paid in 2020 has now passed. However, the fast application service from LP Consulting can still help you to claim your maximum allowable rebate for 2021, with a time commitment of 15 minutes or less... as long as you get there before they change the dates again.

See, the thing is - lawmakers are trying to kill this program, so they can send the money somewhere else. They're trying to move up the deadline for applications, so if you haven't got one in yet, you should probably hurry.

The ERTC program was originally launched in 2020 to help business owners like yourself keep staff on the payroll throughout the pandemic. While the deadline has passed for rebates on wages paid in 2020, so I hope you already claimed that, you can still claim up to $21,000 per employee in refunds for wages paid in 2021, with no upper limit on funding.

Let me repeat that.

There's No Upper Limit On Funding.

If you had one employee, you could be eligible for up to $21,000 - but what if you had just 20 employees?

That's $420,000.

So you can see my point, even if you have a few employees, it's worth it - and if you have a lot of employees... you'd better start soon.

My suggestion is to start by clicking here, to take a free, no-obligation eligibility test. It's fast, it's easy, and it includes a free estimate at the end of how much you should be able to claim.

If you qualify, you'll already be halfway to finishing your claim, using the 15-Minute Refund program.

How It Works, In A Nutshell.

The short answer is this: Quickly.

Okay, to explain a bit more - it's like this. You start by taking the eligibility check, which is just 10 easy questions. I completed it myself in less than a minute, without needing a calculator.

It doesn't matter if you've already applied for 2020 rebates, or feel you can't qualify - just take the test anyway. The rules have changed several times since the beginning, and you might be surprised.

For example, let's say that you've already received Paycheck Protection Program or PPP loans. Under the original rules, you're disqualified from claiming ERTC, but under the new rules, you can claim the maximum allowable amount. That's a pretty big change.

Obviously, individual rebates will vary - because it depends on how much you paid your employees, and a bunch of other factors. In the absolute worst-case scenario, you may not qualify, and it might have wasted one minute of your time.

In the best-case scenario, you could be eligible for well over a million dollars, no strings attached.

There's no repayment, ever, because this isn't a loan, it's a repayment for wages you already handed out, that the government promised to help with.

There are also no restrictions. It's your money, to do with as you please.

But, that's only if you apply, of course - so take the free eligibility test right now, and if you know any other business owners who haven't made a claim yet, send it to them too.

Time is running out, make the most of it, at

LP Consulting LLC
City: Monroe
Address: 3648 Gruber Rd


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