Find Out What To Do During A Serious Health Event If You Can't Communicate
What if a sudden health crisis left you unable to say what kind of medical care you want, or don’t want? It’s not something anyone likes to think about, but ignoring it could leave your loved ones guessing, arguing, or worse - watching doctors make decisions you never agreed to. Don’t let the chaos of an emergency event take away your voice. Download Dr. Luis Pagan-Carlo’s free report , Avoid the #1 Mistake Most People Make During a Health Crisis, from Silver Mangos , and learn how to protect you and your family from unnecessary confusion and heartache should you experience a serious health event, at Avoid the #1 Mistake Most People Make During a Health Crisis emphasizes the importance of preparing an Advanced Healthcare Directive to ensure your medical wishes are respected during a health emergency. It explains what everyone needs to know and prepare for when they are unable to advocate for themselves in the hospital. WHY ...